Thursday, November 04, 2004


New Orleans

There's a good crowd at the hostel I've found here and a bunch of us went out to the French Quarter last night to see some music. There's squally jazz blaring from every corner down there and we settled into a club on Frenchmen Street away from most of the madding crowd. On the way we stopped by one of the booze kiosks (unlike most American cities you can drink on the street here) and I ended up with one of those huge cups you get in fast food joints filled with a kind of slushie White Russian. It took ages to finish but the nice people in the bar let me drink it there as we enjoyed the jazz. The second band who came on obviously had quite a local following and suddenly the admittedly small place was full of people dancing away to the Afro-Cuban sounds. The drummer looked a bit like Danny Devito's dad but he kept everyone spellbound during a five minute solo. Great stuff.

Before bed a few of us hardy souls went to a nearby quiet bar for a few nightcaps. It had a fantastic jukebox and I ended up ploughing money into it. There was some Stevie Wonder, early Bruce Springsteen and even Whiskeytown's fantastic "Faithless Street" album. When people down here aren't eating, they're listening to music.


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